A-OK11 2nd Live Office Hours

    Michelle Forsythe
    13 Sep 2023

    The chat section on the upper right doesn’t appear. Any fix?

    Michelle Forsythe
    13 Sep 2023

    The chat section on the upper right doesn’t appear. Any fix? You’ll need to announce as I can’t SEE anything.

    Michelle Forsythe
    13 Sep 2023

    Something good: I’ve put the workbook into my gold sparkle three-ring binder.

      13 Sep 2023

      Okay, you inspired me to get gold sparkle binders! I got four colors, lol!

      21 Sep 2023

      Hi Michelle,
      Congratulations! I was hoping to do so but wondering if you can be my accountability buddy in this small goal. You see…I have a white ring binder with gold polka-dots- I love it – But it’s still empty because the workbook file failed to email and the shop couldn’t print it so I need to return to the print shop with the workbook on a USB! Meanwhile I’m marking it and writing it up on my I-pad which is kind of fun 🤩 though challenging -but I’m a paper-gal at heart! So I will get extra excited about having the workbook and a beautiful file so I’ll always know where to find it in future as opposed to the invisible electronic filing system which does not always work for me 😄!
      Do you find yourself motivated more by pretty stationery like me?
      I’m finding it harder to do electronically…I’m hoping that once o get hard copy it will prompt me to finish worksheets and move along as I’m a bit behind 😬. I think I need to make a physical reward chart as I check things off too …with some sparkly embellishments maybe 🤔

    13 Sep 2023

    Topic: Values I want but don’t have

    Question: I value the idea of certain things and WANT them but have not yet implemented them. This is likely because I have been valuing other things that I didn’t know I didn’t want to value. So, when filling out the form 2-A, do I go with “my gut,” and pick the values I want, though how I spend my time doesn’t reflect that they are yet a value?

      21 Sep 2023

      Hi Arti, I have been a bit stuck on this too but having listened and re-listened 🐢..now now I am kind of thinking that the reason I took so long to finish the worksheets 1A second half and 1 B is because I was worried I was going to get it wrong and I was also not listening to my gut. But as you have pointed out this is not uncommon for us and as Tracy notes in Week 2 Live…we need to listen more to our internal voice our gut as to what we want and learn to trust that because regardless of whether we have been living it or not…if it’s important to us …we want to let that guide us and make more room for it to help us grow and be our North Star ⭐️
      Sorry if this comment is a little late and thank you-it’s helped me too!

    Charity Hendry
    13 Sep 2023

    Should our goal be to have complete the current lesson before the LIVE? Or be halfway? Or not start it until the LIVE? Sessions open on Mondays, LIVES on Wednesday. I already feel like I’m doing it wrong! Ack.

      Annalise Lemm
      21 Sep 2023

      Hi Charity,
      I had the same question but I think there is no wrong or right answer…I believe Tracy is making it flexible because we are all at different stages …🫶🤷🏻‍♀️. – Please let me know if you hear otherwise an answer that is different as I’ve been a slow starter and I am notorious for worrying that I’m not doing things the right way…maybe that’s another shared lived experience for us ADHD’ers ☺️ We just need to PUSH ON THROUGH regardless of the icky ack feelings I figure. What a relief to hear today for me that the first lesson is the hardest Though 😂😅🙋🏻‍♀️ maybe we need to invent a little 2-5 minute workout – to get us out of that DMN thought pattern and back to doing it- You’ve inspired me- So .., I have decided from now on…I’m going to do 10 Star jumps when I start thinking I’m doing it wrong I’m doing it wrong Im doing it wrong and I’m going to repeat in my head there is no wrong there is no wrong there is no wrong 🥰
      Do you want to join me or do you have your own thoughts on how to jump the tracks back into the TPN?

Do you have any questions?