A-OK5 3rd Live Office Hours

    Linda Selin
    3 Nov 2021

    Ok…the Values step 2 is a game changer for me! Especially when you said, be selfish. My 3 sisters and I were raised to be polite and speak when spoken to and to boot catholic (that’s a long story). Lots has changed since then! So, my question is, my kids are 26 and 30 and been a single parent for most of their lives. They are so important to me, together we have been through some very serious traumas, including the suicide of their father but we are resilient. There is so much more to share and teach them but to do that I need to be the ‘best’ me I can offer. The FAMILY value is number #6 but I really feel it needs to be # 7 or #8. BUT guess what, I feel guilty it is lower on the list?! How do I reconcile that?

Do you have any questions?