A-OK7 1st Live Office Hours

    Ann Nealon
    21 Sep 2022

    I was officially diagnosed recently aged 64. I am reading the Sari Solden book on the Reading list. She says that ADHD symptoms have to be severe and chronic to be ADHD. I have spent a lifetime ‘masking’ my symptoms. I am smart and successful. I’m not a ‘mess’. I am now doubting my diagnosis, as I do not identify with the case studies in this book. Can we be smart, successful, have a clean house AND have ADHD?

    Mariam L Moini
    21 Sep 2022

    Thank you for giving me the courage to believe that ADHD is in fact real, and can present differently for each individual. I am eager to dive in to understand all of the complexities of this diagnosis. I am pleased to know that my “drive” is a symptom of adhd. I think the way that it has manifested for me is to figure out what is “wrong” with me, but the problem is, this is a terrible way to live. I now know that there is nothing “wrong” and this diagnosis makes so much sense. Unfortunately, in my self help journey thus far, I have overly pathologized myself (both because of my drive to figure myself out and being exposed to mainly pathologizing psychoanalytic theories, joining different 12 step programs, years of therapy, The Hoffman process, coaches, yoga retreats, etc…). I feel I have always tried to look for the “answer” and have ended up frustrated, confused, and discouraged. The challenge now is to try to truly understand and synthesize all of this information, so I can feel more self assured with who I am, and how I can help people who have struggled with this disorder, while honoring therapeutic work. It is very important for me to feel like an expert in my own life and within my profession, and to not discount what I do know from working for 12 plus years as a licensed clinical psychologist. That is a little about me.

    As for the question, I wanted to start with the A-OK planner and have ordered from staples- it will be delivered in a few days. Can you talk a little more about the weekly goal? I have so many projects/goals, and I just don’t know where to begin. I may be jumping ahead here, but because my brain is bombarded with information, I would like to at least do a brain download and start this process to contain some of my anxiety/overwhelm.

    Mariam L Moini
    21 Sep 2022

    P.S. I should also mention that I received a late onset diagnosis at the age of 36, I am now 40 years old. In the last two years I got married and have a 16 month old, adorable baby boy named Jack. Needless to say, I have reached a whole new level of overwhelm managing myself (which is a job and a half), while trying to make the experience of being a mother and wife enjoyable.

    Pamela Wright
    21 Sep 2022

    Is an ADHD diagnosis from a medical professional less valid than self-diagnosis?

    21 Sep 2022

    I am diagnosed autistic and awaiting ADHD and so worry that some of this stuff won’t gel with me with my autistic bits. Any suggestions on places to look for extra stuff around auADHD

    21 Sep 2022

    How do i get onto the chat on this live? I can see it, but it says the event is full. Would love to join the party.

    Sarah Zeller
    21 Sep 2022

    For returning students, Is there a way to retake the course work? I know…I know…I’m crazy! 😀

    21 Sep 2022

    Most of us were farmers until 100 years ago. Those farms still needed hunters to bring in extra calories.

    Karen Cohen
    21 Sep 2022

    What was the phone number of tech person?

    Sara Krause
    21 Sep 2022

    Not so much a question, but more of an “a-ha” I had last night. In order to move forward, I have to practice forgiveness not only for myself, but also for those people that regularly called me crazy, lazy, or hazy. I can’t give them that power over my future any longer.

    jane alaimo
    21 Sep 2022

    How do we figure out IF and WHAT our trauma is. You talk about trauma, but I’m not even sure what that means or how to access it?

    Karen Cohen
    21 Sep 2022

    How do I get on live?

Do you have any questions?