A-OK7 2nd Live Office Hours

    Belinda Sills
    28 Sep 2022

    Values Checklist CONFUSION: Should I grade the values according to 1) what I’m mindfully LEARNING and want to value (or stop valuing), or according to what I actually 2) FIND MYSELF valuing in my life THROUGH ACTION (therefore, still valuing, right? Though it might be an “inertial valuing” of past learnt values?). Some of the things I FEEL I want to STOP valuing, still appear “always valued” through my actions. So, how should I grade those?

    EXPLANATION: The instructions say “check how you FEEL about each value, whether you ALWAYS VALUE…” . I know how I FEEL about certain values, but when I have to check how that actually presents in my life, I feel there’s sort of a mindful work in progress there. Some of the things I want to STOP valuing, still appear valued through my actions. So, how should I grade those values? Is it what I WANT to value (because I recognise them as the values I want to grow into), or the ones I find myself valuing through my actions (I suspect these are the inherited ones, because they make me feel worse).
    Example: PERFECTION. I’ve been/am a perfectionist, and it’s something I’m working to change, but still, it’s something I find myself valuing in my everyday actions. So I somehow should check that I “always value”, but I DON’T WANT to “always value” it. Does this make sense? Sorry for the mess.

    Iยดm sorry I can’t make it to the Live Office Hours, I’m at work at that time, but I do watch the replays! THANKS A TON!!!

    Dorota Mroczek
    28 Sep 2022

    Hello ๐Ÿ™‚ Is it important in what order we put the values names in the Values Bracket Sheet for the second time (and further)? Should we put them like we did the first time, but without the winning values or it doesn’t master? I got stuck here ๐Ÿ™‚

    Michele Wirth
    28 Sep 2022

    Tracy, I couldn’t start with everyone else, and I’m wondering if I can catch up with the five days to fall in love with your ADHD brain and the workbook from step 1 since it’s past Sunday? I hate starting behind, and I am hoping to catch up.

    Michelle Wyant
    28 Sep 2022

    When should we have the homework done? Should Step 2 be done before office hours today?

Do you have any questions?