A-OK7 3rd Live Office Hours

    Belinda Sills
    5 Oct 2022


    I have five “SIGNATURE” Character Strengths ACCORDING TO THE VIA SURVEY RESULTS (this is how the survey labelled and differentiated my top five character strengths from the others).
    Worksheet 3A says “Circle those strengths that make you who your are at your core. They are your SIGNATURE strengths”. I don’t understand how to assess this. First, should I fill in the eight blank spaces in the Worksheet with the eight top strengths provided by the survey, OR just with the top five the survey threw as “Signature” Character strengths?
    And second, should I circle as SIGNATURE Character Strengths only the ones that make me feel positive emotion, even though it might contradict what was pointed out as “Signature” Character Strengths by the survey?

    EXAMPLE: My #1 signature strength ACCORDING TO THE SURVEY is “Fairness”. That doesn’t generate positive emotion in me, it reminds me of my tendencies towards rigidity and perfectionism (something I’m working to change). I know “fairness” is a character strength I ACT, but I wouldn’t CHOOSE it as one that “makes me who I am at my core”, because it reminds me of a version of myself I’m trying to change.
    It seems that the survey and I don’t agree on what my core is, or at least, on what my “better self in progress” core is 😅. Similar to the debate/confusion I had on Step 2: values vs. actions, current self vs. future better self…
    Thanks a lot for your help, Tracy!!! ☺️ I’m at work and can’t make it to the Live, but I do watch the replays (over and over again!) <3

    Michelle Wyant
    5 Oct 2022

    Tried going on to StreamYard and my mic and video aren’t working (according to Google). Tracy, can you go over your planner system? I want to use it but haven’t been able to make myself start yet.

Do you have any questions?