A-OK7 4th Live Office Hours

    Naomi Clarke
    12 Oct 2022

    Hi Tracey
    I have not been able to make the live sessions this time around (I did AOK 5 & attended most. From Australia)
    2 things:
    1. On my Via Strengths, #4 was Perspective. Can you please explain this one to me?

    2. A message to those struggling: This is my 2nd time doing AOK and have found it to be of incredible value both times.
    1st time was hard work, quite stressful and at times felt overwhelming. But the outcome was SO worth the process and the effort – it changed how I view myself. I understand and appreciate myself more; I am more grounded and forgiving of myself. And more excited about being me.
    The 2nd time was so much easier, because I came from a place of clarity (which is what the 1st AOK gave me). My message to everyone is to stay out of your head & listen to your gut/heart. Listen to ALL the videos and stop overthinking!! … everything just falls into place in the end. Nothing you choose or decide is final, so don’t be scared to jump in & just give it a go. If the final outcomes don’t “feel right” you can sit on them for a while, then work through the process again.
    Interestingly, both my Values and my Via Strengths have changed since AOK5, which I attribute to changing life experiences, along with now having more awareness & confidence in who I am.

    Fe Armstrong
    12 Oct 2022

    Joseph Campbell – in The Hero’s Journey, suggests that our biggest challenge in life is also our “purpose”. It makes sense, because in order to overcome something big, we need to dig deep into our values, talents, skills and superpowers. Then it is our “purpose” to share our story by way of service to enable others who face the same challenge. Although it makes sense – finding my purpose seems to be my biggest challenge and I always come back full circle to wondering if helping others find theirs is my purpose. Maybe it’s the process of trying to figure it out that I enjoy. Would love your thoughts.

    Julie Waddington
    12 Oct 2022

    Hello Tracy and everyone. I found the Phasic Strengths really interesting as at least 2 of mine felt like they should have been in my top group but I also was pretty comfortable with my too 8/9 and feel like they are all signature strengths in different environments. I’m thinking that the reason that I felt so strongly about my Phasic is because I either 1. need to pull them out of the bag a lot and/or 2. when they do come out of the bag it because it’s a big moment/reason with higher stakes, more emotion which results in more (self) awareness of that strength in play. I’m wondering what your thoughts are around the idea that Phasic strengths are as strong as our top strengths, we just use them very intensely for small bursts (mine are perseverance, zest, humour, perspective).
    I can’t make the live again as it’s 12.30am here and once I get myself to sleep I’ll need more than 3hrs. But I’ve just caught up on lasts weeks live tonight and am ready to start step 4.
    Next week I’ll aim for an early night to see you all at 4am. Have fun!

    Jennifer Page
    12 Oct 2022

    I’m on step 3. I’m in a low energy place and am struggling to flip my weaknesses. Can you help?
    Procrastination – i just can’t find energy to get started, or finish, or belive i can, so get stuck here. Can’t see a positive to this!
    Details – urgh don’t make me do silly tasks with lots of details! my brain is literally running away and can’t do it.
    Thank you!

    Sarah Zeller
    12 Oct 2022

    Good. morning Tracy! I am finishing up section 2 (Just got my laptop back), and am struggling with the meaning of Values. My main conflict is “Challenging the status quo”. I can’t think of many personality traits that describe me more accurately, but it’s not one that I love about myself! I’m struggling to make it a Value, but feel like I probably should. Thoughts?

    Ann Nealon
    12 Oct 2022

    Is Intuition a value Tracy? It’s something I feel compelled to explore and feel it’s a superpower in the making…I put it down as my number 1 value but now I wonder if ‘values’ is where it belongs?

Do you have any questions?