A-OK7 6th Live Office Hours

    Belinda Sills
    26 Oct 2022

    I was wondering if I could go live today to hear your thoughts around this two questions:

    1) QUESTION: Should all sections of our A-OK Intelligence Report spike positive emotion in us?

    EXPLANATION: My Superpowers and Signature Strengths feel more like assets/tools, which I even resent some a bit because, though allowing me to succeed at different career paths / areas of study, they haven’t taken me to places that provided positive emotion… On the contrary, many of them ended up in “success for the outside”, “burnout on the inside”. They were jobs and activities that felt like I should continue pursuing/dedicating time to because I was apparently so good at. But on the inside, left me feeling burnt, exhausted, and pointless, as not knowing why I ended up working with that on the first place. Always working on things I’m very good at because I get recognition from people around me, but don’t actually enjoy. Feels like I’m permforming for everyone. Very confusing.

    2) QUESTION: Have you heard of someone experiencing from “passion burnout”?

    EXPLANATION: The talents (not skills) and signature strengths that do spark positive emotion in me, are the ones that clearly connect to my top values and passions. Following the course’s logic, this is the overlapping I should focus on, since it also matches the individuals I feel I’d love to serve (animals). BUT BUT BUT… I’m scared I´ll “burn”/ruin this passion I have (helping and healing injured animals), if I choose to expand my focus on this purpose.
    I got burnout after pursuing career paths on things I liked and was good at (for example: yoga and assistance dog training). I have a theory that this happenned because those weren’t trully PASSIONS on mine…. But still, I’m wondering if some things we love and enjoy are better left in the “enjoyment/love” areas of our life, so as not to ruin them by hyperfocusing and relating them with our everyday activities/routine/career.

    Would love to talk with you and hear your thoughts around these topics.
    Thanks in advance, Tracy!!!

    Rachel Fox
    26 Oct 2022

    So grateful for you and this program Tracy!
    I have confirmed my passions, values, strengths and purpose. Despite being aware of some old negative messages that have constantly got in the way, I know I am on the right path in the neighborhood with women with ADHD who have challenges around food and body image. Now that I feel ready to ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’, I feel totally torn between taking a coaching certification with ADDCA, or whether I can do this with my current qualifications/skills.

    Ann Nealon
    26 Oct 2022

    Hi Tracey, I have trouble with the word ‘purpose’. I get tied up in knots. It’s ‘too big’ plus I’m 64 – feels a bit late in the day to be too concerned about ‘purpose’ but then again, that feels like an ageist sentiment. I also don’t want to over commit myself and fail (again)…Any thoughts?

    26 Oct 2022

    I would love to know more about working out the people I serve? I find it really difficult to narrow this down as have so many different past experiences, etc.

Do you have any questions?